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Helping families navigate the storm of addiction.

Seeking help for substance abuse and mental health issues can be overwhelming, but we are here to navigate you to safety. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing the highest level of care in a safe and compassionate environment. We’ve been there before.

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simple flat light blue illustration of three waves
our mission

We provide individuals and families with the resources and support they need to achieve lasting recovery and well-being.

In our experience, holistically treating the family system is imperative for successful recovery outcomes. We are here to guide families through the healing process by providing oversight and accountability with compassion and intention.

Conditions we can help with:

simple illustration of prescription pills and alcohol bottle

Substance Use Disorders

Characterized by the problematic use of alcohol, drugs, and other chemicals, they typically have a negative impact on an individual’s physical and mental health, relationships, and overall functioning.

illustration of a video game controller and deck of cards with a poker chip

Process Addictions

Process addictions involve non-substance activities, like gambling, sex, shopping, and internet use. These addictions are characterized by compulsive engagement in the behavior, despite negative consequences.

illustration of a medicine bottle next to a human brain

Mental Health & Dual Diagnosis

Dual diagnosis is the presence of both a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder in the same person. Treating it can be complex, as the two conditions can exacerbate each other.

circular headshot of a late 30's male, with light brown hair, smiling
“At Lighthouse Recovery, we are passionate about helping struggling individuals create lives they love. We are here to provide the compassionate guidance and accountability that is sometimes necessary for recovery”
Jonathan Lencioni, Founder
What we do

Services we provide


Having successfully intervened on many addiction and mental health clients, we handle the planning, assessment, intervention, transportation, and treatment placement.

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Sober Companions

We offer recovery companions for substance use disorder and/or mental health clients. Companions are available for short-term and long-term accountability.

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Care Management

We collaborate with individuals who are stabilized and ready to begin life outside of a residential treatment setting to create a tailored plan for long-term recovery.

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Answers to questions we are commonly asked in regards to our services and recovery in general.

What’s the difference between asking my friends and asking a professional for help?

While it is a good first step to ask your family or friends for help, seeking the help of experienced professionals is advisable as they can help the entire family through the recovery process. At Lighthouse, we have a wealth of experience helping clients through similar situations, and while each person has different circumstances, the principles of recovery are the same. We offer a judgement-free, and purely objective guidance on what it will take for the healing process to occur.

Can I just take medication to solve my issues?

In many cases, especially early on, medication can be necessary and effective, but in our experience medication alone is not enough to solve all issues. Depending on the situation, we will sometimes recommend that our clients work with a doctor to determine whether medication is right for them, while also working with one of our professional counselors to talk about and work through problems, expand on strengths and develop goals.

What does your program look like?

Our programming and guidance is tailored to each individual case. One of the first steps we take is to assess the specifics of each individual, their family, circumstances and history. After performing the assessment, we then formulate a plan of action that we believe gives that person highest chance of success. We also provide oversight, guidance and accountability throughout the whole process, so that we are able to encourage and motivate our clients to stay on track, and catch them if they stray from the plan.

What is an intervention, and how do I know if it is necessary?

We believe that substance use and mental health disorders are both medical issues. In the context of a medical issue, an intervention is a technique that is used to halt a downward spiral, prevent it from getting worse and ideally improve the situation. Our objective when performing interventions is to provide safety, compassion and love (sometimes tough love) to get an individual to accept help. We take the time to understand the individual we are intervening on, the entire family dynamic, and then take an approach we believe is most likely to lead to a positive outcome.

What is care management?

Care management refers to the coordination and monitoring of various aspects of an individual’s care related to their addiction, mental health or dual diagnosis recovery. We will typically plan, advise and coordinate the different types of treatment and services an individual receives, such as therapy, medication management, and 12-step support groups, as well as continuously monitoring the individual’s progress in their recovery. Generally the care manager is a professional counselor or recovery coach who works hand-in-hand with the individual and their family to develop a comprehensive care plan that addresses all facets of their recovery including physical, emotional and social needs.

What is a sober companion?

A sober companion is a professional who provides support and guidance to individuals who are recovering from addiction. The sober companion’s role is to help individuals stay sober and maintain their recovery by providing mentorship, and accompanying them to various appointments and functions. This can help to establish and maintain healthy routines, and navigate situations that are triggering for those in early recovery.